Dīari entriz in English (Saaspel). Sē links abuv fr uthr langwijz.

Thr iz olso a cmbīnd list ov ol dīari entriz in eni langwij.

In Erlang, if a prōses iz runing cōd frm modyul a wen modyul a iz rēlōdd, it duznt get outomaticli upgrādd tu th nyu vurjhn. Th ōld vurjhn ov th cōd iz kept az long az eni prōses iz yuzing it, nd th prōses iz sed tu b runing "ōld cōd".

Hauever, ōnli won ōld vurjhn iz kept, so if th prōses duznt swich tu th nyu vurjhn bifor th modyul iz rēlōdd fr a secnd tīm, th prōses wil b cild bī th cōd survr. This can b cnfyuzing, az thr iz oftn no trās ov th prōses dīng, nd ēvn if thr iz, yu ōnli get tu nō that th prōses woz cild, but not y.

Wīl chāzing daun a problm rilātd tu this, Ī cām up with this pach tu th cōd survr:

diff --git a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
index 00ad923..c4d5fd6 100644
--- a/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
+++ b/lib/kernel/src/code_server.erl
@@ -1414,6 +1414,7 @@ do_purge(Mod0) ->
 do_purge([P|Ps], Mod, Purged) ->
     case erlang:check_process_code(P, Mod) of
    true ->
+       catch info_msg("Killing ~p for old code from ~p", [P, Mod]),
        Ref = erlang:monitor(process, P),
        exit(P, kill),

That led mē strāt tu th modyul that woz bēng rēlōdd, nd let mē fix th problm bī enshoring that th prōses swichd tu nyu cōd.

This pach iz probubli not sūtbl fr inclūjhn in th ofishl Erlang/OTP sorsiz, but Ī hōp it can b yusfl wen diveluping.

Hau can yu nō wen th cōd survr cils yur prōses, nd y?

Posted Tue 20 Aug 2013 12:55:49 PM BST

Ī just faund an xampl ov Saaspel yuz in th "rēl wurld": a frūt bar hūz nām "nākd" iz hahfwā tu bēing ritn in Saaspel orttografi:

nākd cashu cuci

Yud just nēd tu chānj th "K" tu a "C" fr it tu bē corect, wich insidentli iz mī mōst comn eror wen rīting in Saaspel.

Ī just faund an xampl ov Saaspel yuz in th 'rēl wurld': a frūt bar hūz nām 'nākd' iz hahfwā tu bēing ritn in Saaspel orttografi…

Posted Wed 16 Feb 2011 05:54:24 PM GMT

Last wēcend ī woz at th Langwij Shō in London, mōstli telling pēpl abaut Esperanto at th stand ov th Esperanto Asōsiāshn ov Britn. (Ī had a lot ov fun, ov cors, getting tu tell pēpl olmōst evritting abaut mī hobi.)

Thr wur lots ov xibitrz propōzing veriuz wāz tu lurn veriuz langwijz, but wot stuc in mī mīnd woz th stand abaut Saaspel, a propōzl fr an olturnutiv English orttografi. Riforming ther speling sistm iz sumthing thē English shud hav dun a long tīm ago, az th pronunsiāshn ov a wurd jenrli haz no rilāshn tu its speling—wich mācs yuzing th langwij hardr fr lurnrz nd nātiv spēcrz alīc. (Th tradishnl speling mā hav bēn a purfect fit fr the langwij ov Shācsper'z tīm, but iz qīt ireluvnt nau.)

Saaspel (or Sāspel, az ritn in its olturnutiv form, with macronz tu indicāt long vaulz) standz fr "sām saund—sām speling", wich iz a priti gud sumri ov hau it wurcs. Wurdz r ritn az thā r pronaunsed, with litl (but stil sum) cnsidrāshn givn tu ther clasicl speling. A fyu uthr rūlz nd prinsiplz r:

  • A "long vaul", pronaunsd az in thē alfabet, is ritn "long", either "aa ee ii oo" or "ā ē ī ō", depending on yor tāst. "U" gets speshl trētmunt: "use" → "yuz", "boot" → "buut" or "būt".

  • The vaulz A, E, I nd O, when short, jenrli corispond tu th saund ritn with thōz letrz in mōst continentl European langwijz. Fr th sām rēzn, "automatic" bicumz "outomatic" but "sound" bicumz "saund". Agān, "U" gets speshl trētmunt nd iz yuzd fr th saund in "cut".

  • "K" iz not yuzd xept in prōpr nāmz. Th letr "C" olwāz stands fr th "K" saund, nevr fr "S".

  • Voisd "th", az in "this", is ritn "th", but voisles "th", az in "thin", bicumz "tt".

  • Oftn a consonunt iz inuf fr an intīr silabl: "silabl" (syllable), "endd" (ended), "problm" (problem).

ther web sīt fr mor.

Thō īm not cnvinsd that Saaspel iz th purfect wā tu fix English speling, ī fēl that it iz a dēsnt implementāshn ov a gud īdē, so īl trī yuzing it nd sē if ī can māc sumwon hapi with it. (Īdēali mī efrt wud māc thē ntīr wurld adopt it, but if ī can giv at lēst won felō hyumn that worm fuzi fēling ov sumtting dun rīt, its tōtali wurtt it.)

Hau Ī faund aut abaut Sāspel…

Posted Sun 31 Oct 2010 02:38:01 AM GMT

(Why the weird spelling, you ask? It's Saaspel. The link above takes you back to sanity.)

Th UK Bordr Ājnsi ofurz yu th oprtyuniti tu fīnd aut wot thā nō abaut yu, bī a so-could Subject Axes Riqest (SAR), for th bahrgn prīs ov £10. Ī woz just tū cyorius tu rizist…

Nd abaut a muntt aftr sending mī riqest, Ī got a big envlōp with lots ov pāprz in it. Thr wur ol th formz Ī sent them, ol th letrz wer wē hagld abaout wen Ī wud send them mī pasport, nd sum scrēnshots ov a Windōz-bāsd aplicāshn shōing priti much th sām infrmāshn Ī wrōt in th formz, nd mī foto.

Ī must sā that Ī xpectd them tu send recordz ov evri tīm Ī entrd or left thē UK, so Ī'm a bit disapointd. (R mī travl habits so boring tu them?) It wud hav bēn rathr cnvēniunt, tu hav an outtoritativ plās tu luk up in wot cauntri Ī woz at a surtn dāt. Ī ges Ī shud bē hapi that ther survālns iz limitd…

Th UK Bordr Ājnsi ofurz yu th oprtyuniti tu fīnd aut wot thā nō abaut yu, bī a so-could Subject Axes Riqest (SAR), for th bahrgn prīs ov £10. Ī woz just tū cyorius tu rizist…

Posted Sun 04 Jul 2010 07:55:41 PM BST